Sunday, May 31, 2009

The answer is inside me

I am important, really important, because the answer to all my questions is inside me.

Doctrine and principles show me examples, imaginery world. It's not exactly my world. But as a result of studying, I will learn how to produce answers to the questions of my world. And what desires to nourish and follow. Because my decisions, choices and desires are the answers to my questions.

I live in wonderful times now. I'm a minion of fortune, drinking from the spring, feeding on the pure milk of the word, growing an getting stronger. Running forward, achieving goals. One day this might change. One day hardship may come. One day the bliss may disappear. One day I may become abandoned. One day I may lose everything and transform into ashes. From all my heart I pray for not loosing the spark, the tiny seed that binds me to God. Because if I have it, I have all I need.

I believe that in fact I'm that seed. And that I will never lose myself. And that all the beauty around me is a gift, donation to me with the purpose to bless and shine on the others, not me. I believe I don't need anything more than being such a seed. And let the rest of my world be of use to the other - all of them. This seed contains the whole happines on earth.

The answer is inside me.

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