Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Human Body - User Manual

Humans are spiritual creatures indeed. The body is definitely given to us to use it, take care of it for a certain period of time. It was created by another One, not by us. He gave it to dwell in this form, in this environment.

I realized that recently when I had a cold and performed some hot water treatment to myself. If I was a body, I would know and understand its principles without the need to learn about them from here and there. I would be able to control and direct the processes in myself with my thoughts since my day of birth. However since the birth day it is auto-piloted and we don't know it. In time we become aware of it, learning to work on/with it just like learning to use a complicated machine with lots of functions. And if we learn hard from the user manual, we will really reach the point of taking control and swith the auto-pilot off. Probably this is a task of our earthly existence - to discover the functions and abilities of our bodies and to use and apply them in our living. And we, the spiritual beings, to really fuse with our bodies, to feel perfectly comfortable inside, to spiritualize them too. To spiritualize the matter.

If we succeed in transforming this rough and thick matter into a spirit, we would be made a great thing in this life.

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