Saturday, February 7, 2009

The horoscope

I consider the horoscope as a clock, showing in reasonable and accurate manner certain cycles and processes of fate. The astrological horoscope even looks like a clock. Only the hands are much more (the planets) and the dial is the house system. The birth horoscope i a very unique for the person and identifies the human at a large extent. This makes the horoscope as important as anything else which individualize well the person.

If a man knows his horoscope and is able to interpret it, his life would become more well arranged and adapted to the horoscope and the latter would become more and more useful to him. Just like when one uses his clock to manage his time, he has a more tidy, optimized and well planned daily round. I think this explains to certain extent the fact which I think many astrologers fear to face: Horoscopes works better with the people that follow them and not so precisely to the people that ignore or reject them. These who trust and use horoscopes and the astrological knowledge in general, with time finds more and more concurrences and compliance between the things encoded in the chart and the things really happen to them. These not using horoscopes are like the ones not using watches - time flies to them too and they do exactly the same things the former do, but don't know exactly how many ours are left to the sunset for example. Their fate is a bit more chaotic and follows the natal chart in very rough frames. Rough in every meaning of the word. They may seem free of "the influence of stars", but do you know anybody gave up of clocks or watches by now?

In the Bible the stars are described as bodies of light showing the times. They do not determine our fate, they do not determine times, just like the clock does not determine time but only shows and counts it. I don't believe stars and planets have any real influence to us. These celestial bodies are just loaded with information, data, which we can take advantage of, to show us times and periods. They were there for long, long time now, has a very strict and clear cyclic recurrence and we cannot exercise any impact on them. That makes them a very suitable and fair-minded, unprejudiced hands for our horoscope clocks on which we can lean if we have a need to.

The chart of this post. It's beautiful and nobody can deny it!

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